From Principal Maldonado:
Parents, please access our student handbook at or your student’s Google Classroom and understand our policies. Every parent and student has signed at this point stating that they have read and understand. However, students continue to show up in violation of dress code. Crocs are not allowed on any school day other than specific dress down days. If students continue to violate this policy, parents will be called and the student will have to be picked up.
Parents, please understand that you cannot just show up at the school unannounced expecting to see an administrator and then get angry when you cannot see one. Please respect the fact that admins have responsibilities and make an appointment. Admins and teachers also cannot be expected to interrupt instruction to retrieve items for parents such as keys and other materials. This will not ever be allowed.
Teachers are the first point of contact for issues and concerns. Make sure your student knows who his or her advisory teacher is. Teacher emails are listed on The advisory teacher will support them through their educational journey in addition to the other staff at Duval MYcroSchool.
Students and parents, report threats to the school no matter what time of day. Please install the free app at to report tips.
Please keep in mind that Seniors are in the morning shift and underclassmen are in the afternoon shift. Seniors go from 7:30am-12:34pm, and underclassmen attend at 10:02am-3:11pm. Please make note of early dismissal days as we do follow the district calendar, but due to testing and other academic functions, we have more early dismissal days. BOTH SHIFTS attend from 7:30am-12:34pm on early dismissal days. Please see our school calendar posted on our website and social media.
Please make note of the next calendar changes.
The FAFSA is now open to all seniors at
The OSFA is now open to all seniors at
Thanksgiving Break is November 23rd-25th, 2022. School will resume Monday, November 28th, 2022.
State assessments will begin again for the Winter session on November 28th, 2022.
November 30th is an early dismissal day.
December 3rd is the next national SAT day.
December 10th is the next national ACT day.
December 14th is an early dismissal day.
December 16th is the end of Quarter 2 and an early dismissal makeup day in lieu of November 10th.
Please talk to your students about showing up on time for SAT and ACT. If they’re too late or miss the test, we will not be paying for the student once waivers are exhausted if attendance is an issue. Parents will have to pay out of pocket.
Students and parents, we must ensure that students are getting to school on time. Citing traffic, transportation, or oversleeping as to why your student is late is inexcusable. There will always be traffic and accidents. However, we do understand that sometimes life happens, but some people are abusing tardiness every day. School starts at 7:30am for first shift and students will not be allowed in the building if they arrive after 8am. Some students are cutting it way too close. School starts at 10:02am for the second shift. After 10:30am, they will not be allowed in the building and will be marked unexcused. If your student does not arrive in time before the cut off time, the student will be sent home, the parent will be called and the incident documented. Please support us in making sure your student understands that being on time is an important adulting skill that adds to the level of employability and professionalism.
Finally, please make sure you have provided an email so you may receive progress reports in your inbox on Sunday evenings. We have a new curriculum system so more information on weekly progress reports will be forthcoming. If you don’t see a progress report this Sunday evening, let us know.
Please make sure to clear your junk mail if you do not see weekly communications from us. See you next week!