Sunday Call Blast 4/11/2024

From Principal Maldonado:

Greetings Duval MYcroSchool families! 

Teachers are the first point of contact for issues and concerns.  Make sure your student knows who his or her advisory teacher is.  This person is found on their schedule.  Teacher emails are listed on The advisory teacher will support them through their educational journey in addition to the other staff at Duval MYcroSchool. 

Please keep in mind that each student has a specific shift.  AM students go from 7:30am-12:34pm, and PM students attend at 10:02am-3:11pm.  Please make note of early dismissal days as we do follow the district calendar, but due to testing and other academic functions, we have more early dismissal days.  BOTH SHIFTS attend from 7:30am-12:34pm on early dismissal days.  Please see our school calendar posted on our website and social media.  Do not bring your scholar to any other shift other than the one on their schedule.  Students will not be allowed in if they are more than half an hour tardy for school.  This policy is in our student handbook on our website and in the Google Orientation classroom.

If your student has not been reporting to school, he or she needs to call us and report immediately to Ms. Green so they can be counseled to a more appropriate setting that will work for them.  Students that are seniors and not in position to graduate should not stay on our roster.  The school is currently reaching out to find viable options so these students can graduate as soon as possible.

Senior warning letters have gone home to those students in danger of not graduating this past February.  If you have any questions, please contact For general information, there is last chance to earn a concordant score before the cut off date of April 15, 2024 to walk in the graduation ceremony and that was the SAT on March 9, 2024.  If you feel like your student is in danger of not graduating this year, please make an appointment to see Ms. Green immediately.

April 15, 2024 we begin state assessments for FCLE.  Please make sure your student is present each day of school.  It is also the deadline to have all credits and testing completed to walk in the graduation ceremony.

April 17 and 18, 2024 select students will travel to West Palm Beach, FL to see Hamilton. 

The CLT make-up day for the April 11, 2024 CLT will be announced in a separate communication. 

April 19, 2024 is the deadline to sign up for May SAT.

April 22, 2024 the grade window opens for all remaining senior grades.

April 24, 2024 is a DCPS Early Dismissal day.  We will also give another CLT that day to select students.

April 26, 2024 is Fellowship Friday.

May 1, 2024 begins the last window for state assessments.  Those seniors needing to sit for those tests should reach out to their advisors to make sure they come to school on the correct days to take exams.

May 3, 2024 is the deadline to register for the June ACT.

May 4, 2024 May the 4th be with you!  This is SAT Saturday.

May 17, 2024 is the last Fellowship Friday of the school year.  It is also the deadline to register for June SAT.

May 20 through 24 is MYcroSchool early dismissal all week and it is also senior week.  PM students attend the AM session. Seniors see Mr. Johnson for more details.

May 27, 2024 Schools are closed for Memorial Day.

May 28 through 31, 2024 is MYcroSchool early dismissal week and PM students attend the AM session.

June 1, 2024 is National SAT day.

June 3, 2024 is a weather make-up day and the last day of school, as well as an early dismissal day.  PM students attend the AM session. Graduation is also that evening at 5pm at UNF.

June 8, 2024 is ACT National test day.

Seniors, please remember to put your down payment on your senior package with Mr. Johnson ASAP!  Thank you to those families that got their payment in on time.  Please remember to view the Band app and Google classroom for all senior information and announcements.

Please observe reporting threats of violence on the link to FortifyFLorida on our website.  The school needs your support for monitoring your student’s social media and internet time.  If your student brings drama and violence to school, there will be consequences.  Parents, please discuss our code of conduct found on our website with your student and the importance of limiting time on mobile devices, as well as creating a negative digital record for oneself.  Students need to understand that making threats over the internet can cause police intervention these days and that there are more consequences to social media threats of violence than just what the school can divvy out. Finally, please make sure you have provided an email so you may receive progress reports in your inbox on Sunday evenings.  If you don’t see a progress report, let us know. Students should close out everything on their dashboards by the end of the school year.  Edmentum work does not roll over into the subsequent school