Sunday Call Blast 8/25/2024

From Principal Maldonado:

Greetings Duval MYcroSchool families and welcome to the third week of school!  We hope you have an amazing school year with Duval MYcro!  For those of you that are new we welcome you!

There is information in the Orientation about the Student Handbook for 2425 posted on our website, Acceptable Technology Use Policy, Code of Conduct, School Uniform, and school safety information. Additionally, all communications will go on the school’s Band app.  If you need the QR code, please come into the school to receive the flyer.

Parents, we are struggling with added security measures at the front door during intake and dismissal.  We are unable to do any school business during that time.  We are trying to be accommodating, but we need to focus on what is going on and watch everything around us. We must move our business hours back due to the change in the school’s start time to 10:30am to 3pm.

Students, if you have not completed virtual orientation, you need to get it done now!

Uniform T-shirts and sweatshirts can be purchased with correct cash only in the front office with a limit of 3 shirts per student. We strongly suggest that you purchase at least 1 sweatshirt and multiple undershirts to wear underneath as the building temperature can vary.  For those of you waiting to purchase more uniform shirts in smaller sizes, we have ordered more shirts and are currently waiting for them to be ready to be delivered.

Pricing for school uniform shirts can be found on our website at

Parents and students, please DO NOT forget your student ID.  Nearly every student has one now, unless you’re brand new.  If you did not get an ID yet, see Mr. McDonald.  The student ID is part of the uniform for crisis response purposes, and it is mandatory.  If you forget your ID three times and do not bring your $5 to school to replace your ID, you may receive a consequence.  Please see our student code of conduct for more details. Students without complete school uniform will NOT be admitted to class until someone can bring them school uniform.  Other uniform pieces include khaki pants and closed toe shoes.  Please see the student code of conduct for our dress code details on our website.  No Crocs, croc-like shoes, or slides.

Teachers are the first point of contact for issues and concerns.  Make sure your student knows who his or her advisory teacher is.  This person is found on their schedule.  Teacher emails are listed on The advisory teacher will support them through their educational journey in addition to the other staff at Duval MYcroSchool. 

Invites for the College Summit program went out last Friday in the mail.  Don’t miss the opportunity to earn yourself a light blue cord at graduation and get extra support for your postsecondary journey if you want to go to trade school, military or college.  If you are invited to participate in College Summit, the first session will be 12:19-2:50pm Thursday September 5th, 2024.  Lunch will be provided at each session.  You must complete each session to get the para at the end!  If you did not get an invite in the mail, but are interested, please see Principal Maldonado.

Please keep in mind that each student has a specific shift.  AM students go from 8:30am-1:34pm, and PM students attend at 9:46am-2:50pm.  Please make note of early dismissal days as we do follow the district calendar, but due to testing and other academic functions, we have more early dismissal days.  BOTH SHIFTS attend from 8:30am-1:34pm on early dismissal days.  Please see our school calendar posted on our website and social media.  Do not bring your scholar to any other shift other than the one on their schedule.  Students more than fifteen minutes tardy for school will not be admitted and will be marked absent unexcused.  This policy is in our student handbook on our website and in the Virtual Orientation classroom.

Parents, we must pick up students on time each day.  We cannot have students sitting outside the building waiting for hours for their rides.  Every student that has a student ID is allowed to ride JTA for free as long as they show their ID.  Please keep in mind that leaving your student unattended at dismissal and intake is unsafe as we are small and do not have enough adults to monitor your student after dismissal and before intake.  JSO is on hand during certain hours of the day, but they cannot be here until late in the evening.  If you do not pick up your child on time, the school is obligated to report that to the Department of Children and Families.

Friday, August 30, 2024 is a MYcroSchool Early Dismissal day and ALL students are expected to attend the first shift.  We will also have our first advisory session at 12:15pm on this day.

Monday, September 2, 2024 there is No School in observance of Labor Day.

Saturday, September 14 is ACT National Test Day for select students.

Saturday, September 21 is CLT Saturday for select students from 7:30am to 11am.

Sunday, September 22 is the first day of Fall!

Wednesday, September 25 is a DCPS Early Dismissal day.  All students attend first shift!

Friday, September 27 is mandatory attendance day for all MYcroSchool students and kicks off Spirit Week!  We will also have Fellowship Friday and lunch will be served. Details will be provided later in a flyer.

Finally, please make sure you have provided an email so you may receive progress reports in your inbox on Sunday evenings.  Edmentum is our curriculum system so more information on weekly progress reports will be forthcoming.  If you don’t see a progress report, let us know or check your junk mail.

As always, if you have further questions, please contact us at 904-783-3611. See you soon and have a great school year!