Sunday Call Blast 1.10.2022

From Principal Maldonado:

Parents and students, please read our Student Handbook in the Virtual Orientation room or on our website at  There is information in the Orientation about the Student Handbook for 2122, Acceptable Technology Use Policy, Code of Conduct, School Uniform, and COVID policies. 

Any student that has been unexcused absent 10 days or more at this point is in danger of being withdrawn and/or having their Driver’s License suspended by the state.  School starts at 7:30am and 10:02am respectively.  We give students a half hour window to get here, but that doesn’t mean that school starts at 8am and 10:30am.  If a student attempts to come into the school after the tardy cut off time, he or she will not be allowed to attend class and parents will be called.

Senior warning letters went out over the break.  Please look for yours in the mail.

Parents, we have had more than a few students go home with mild symptoms and test COVID positive.  Please encourage your student to continue to always wear his or her mask in the appropriate manner covering the mouth and nose.  Do not send your student to school if he or she has been exposed or is showing symptoms until after you get COVID test results.  Please call the front office and communicate what is going on so we can assign the appropriate attendance code for your student.  Good communication is key for communities fighting the pandemic together.  The Principal fully recommends a PCR test for accuracy.  Your student may begin opting out of facemasking.  However, the opt-out form must be filled out in the virtual orientation classroom and signed by a parent if it is a minor student.  See Mrs. Lee for more details.  The Principal strongly recommends that you wear a face mask, even if you are vaccinated. 

This is a reminder that BOTH SHIFTS attend from 7:30am-12:34pm on early dismissal days.  Our next early dismissal day is Wednesday, January 26th, 2022.

All College Summit students should have submitted their FAFSA, OFSA application, and signed up for a Florida Shines account. Every College Summit student should have applied for one college or university, trade school, or military by now.  The next College Summit Saturday is February 26th, 2022 from 9am to 12pm. 

Please make sure you have provided an email so you may receive progress reports in your inbox every Sunday night.  Please make sure to clear your junk mail if you do not see a progress report next Sunday.

There is no school Friday January 14th through Monday January 17th in celebration of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  School will resume Tuesday January 18th, 2022. 

State count begins on January 28th, 2022 and this is a mandatory attendance day.  There will be a dress down day and an attendance challenge where students can win prizes.  It is also Fellowship Friday.  College and Career Day is also on this day and will be conducted with Mrs. Rivera via Zoom.  See Ms. Haynes or Mrs. Rivera for more details.

Everyone have a safe and healthy week!